Publication Date:December 30, 2015
運動科學與體育 師大全球頂尖
NTNU enlisted as Best Uni of Sport Sciences Physical Education and Kinesiology

 首份針對運動科學與體育領域所進行的世界大學評比結果出爐,國立臺灣師範大學排名頂尖,躋身全球最佳七所大學之列,這也是繼教育學科在QS世界大學學科領域排名中名列全球第22名之後,另一項獲得國際肯定的卓越學術領域,其中的「體育教學」面向,更名列四所受推薦的全球最傑出頂尖大學之一,一舉超越加拿大麥基爾大學、南韓首爾大學、澳洲雪梨大學等國際知名大學。[ more ]

 The first evaluation of Physical Education and Kinesiology has come out. NTNU was rated as one of the top 7 universities in the world. After ranked 22nd in QS Subject Ranking, NTNU once again received global recognition as an excellent university. On the category of teaching capacity, NTNU was praised as one of the most outstanding global university, surpassing McGill University in Canada, Seoul National University in South Korea, the University of Sydney in Australia and other well-known international universities.[ more ]

English Website of NTNU Wins QS-APPLE Silver Award

 國立臺灣師範大學近日榮獲2015 QS-APPLE高教國際會議「最佳國際網站」銀牌獎,是臺灣首度有大學獲獎,這個水晶獎座也陳列在國際交流展覽廳中。[ more ]

National Taiwan Normal University recently received a silver award from 2015 QS-APPLE as the Best International Website Page, being the first university in Taiwan that won the title. The crystal award was put in the exhibition hall of international sharing.[ more ]

國際交流展廳啟用 展示姊妹校禮品
International Friendship Exhibition Hall Showing Gifts from Sister Schools

 目前臺灣各大學積極推動國際化,姐妹校交流經常互贈禮品,國立臺灣師範大學國際事務處特別打造一間國際交流展覽廳,展示封存多年、五花八門的40項珍貴紀念品,包括紀念杯、紀念幣、木漆畫,以及各式各樣的紀念盤,展覽廳於12月7日剪綵啟用。[ more ]

 With universities being more interactive than ever, gifts from sister schools are common. The Office of International Affairs designed an International Friendship Exhibition Hall to display what NTNU has received during the years. These precious gifts includes memorial mugs, memorial coins, paintings, memorial plates and so on. The exhibition hall was opened on 7th December[ more ]

NTNU starts the First Global Fashion EMBA in Taiwan

 臺師大成立全國第一所【校級/跨學院】國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班。結合三校聯盟、業界龍頭 矢志成為臺灣躍居時尚之島的金鑰匙。全球時尚產業已成為臺灣和許多國家發展文創產業中最具產值的一環。為了力促臺灣邁向「全球時尚」國度,臺師大將自105學年度起,開設全國第一所【校級/跨學院】「國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班」(GF-EMBA),致力培育品牌、行銷、時尚精品管理等一流人才。[ more ]

 The first cross faculty EMBA in Global Fashion on the job training program is now established by NTNU. The EMBA program is led by NTNU, NTU and NTUST and the giants of the industry, bringing Taiwan to the top of the fashion business in the world. [ more ]

數學系校友于靖 獲TWAS院士
Alumnus Jing Yu Elected as TWAS Fellow

 世界科學院 (The World Academy of Sciences,TWAS)日前宣布,國立臺灣師範大學數學系61級傑出校友、臺大講座教授暨數學系教授于靖,獲選為TWAS2015年數學學門院士。[ more ]

 Recently, The World Academy of Sciences announced their Fellows in 2015 and one of them is Yu Jing, an alumnus of the Department of mathematics graduated in 1972. [ more ]

澳洲網站評比 國語中心臺灣最佳
Asia Options Rates MTC as the Best Language Center in Taiwan

 今年8月「澳洲青年亞洲教育與實習網站」(Asia Options)呼應澳洲政府的華語文政策,推出亞洲語言中心評比計畫,老字號的國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心,有便利的校園環境、聽說讀寫全方位的訓練課程以及容易交友等特質,獲得總評比8.9分,是臺灣最好的華語文中心。[ more ]

 Asia Options, an online platform that connects Australia’s future leaders with opportunities to engage with Asia, echoed with the Chinese language learning policy of the Australian government and launched a review on Mandarin Learning Center in Asia. Overall, the prestigious Mandarin Training Center of NTNU was rated 8.9 out of 10 and earned the title of the best mandarin leaning center in Taiwan. [ more ]

大阪國際音樂賽 博士生王建堂奪金
NTNU Student Wins Osaka Music Competition

 臺灣青年音樂家再傳捷報!青年小提琴家王建堂,上週在2015大阪國際音樂比賽,從眾多國際菁英選手中脫穎而出,勇奪絃樂組金牌,為臺灣奪得絃樂組類別首獎的第一人。[ more ]

 National Taiwan Normal University doctoral student Wang Chien Tang won a gold medal in the strings division at the 16-year-old Osaka International Music Competition. He is the first Taiwanese musician who won the prize. [ more ]

緬麗志工分享 華文師培愛相傳
Volunteers of Lover Myanmar Share Their Experiences

 「一千個想法,不如一個行動。」師大公領系顏妙桂教授,帶領緬麗伊甸園國際志工服務隊,赴緬甸進行華僑學校師資培育,今年已邁向第八年。10月20日,團隊舉辦成果分享會,分享將服務熱忱化為實際行動的歷程。[ more ]

 “Action speaks louder than words.” Said Professor of Departments of Civics and Education, Yen Miao Kuei, the leader of Love Myanmar Club in NTNU. The Club started 8 years ago, bringing volunteers to Myanmar to provide teacher education in Overseas Chinses School. The sharing meeting of their experience was held on Oct. 20th.[ more ]

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