師大遠距華語文教學 線上真人即時互動
Long-distance e-learning closes the gap for students of Chinese
全球吹起中文熱,國內歷史最久、規模最大的華語教學機構—國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心,進軍線上教學市場,針對歐、美、日、韓、東南亞地區的外籍人士,提供線上真人即時互動的華語教學,透過智慧型手機、平板電腦等,真正隨時隨處都可上網學習,讓臺灣成為華語學習的關鍵字。[ more ]
Afraid of flying? NTNU's Mandarin Training Center (MTC) has some great news for anyone looking for personalized Chinese classes but who is unable to make it all the way to Taiwan. Thanks to the Internet, all you need is a computer, phone, or tablet to start one-on-one classes with a real live teacher.
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師大和聖地牙哥教育局簽約 共同發展亞洲語言教學中心
San Diego, CA school district to work with NTNU on Chinese instruction
國立臺灣師範大學副校長林東泰與美國加州聖地牙哥聯合學區教育局副局長Scott Barnett代表,4月17日共同簽署合作聲明書,未來攜手發展「亞洲語言教學中心」,由美國政府投入2000萬美元,發展華語文教育所需之軟硬體設施,每年提供20名赴美實習名額,師大則協助培訓華語文師資,安排線上遠距教學,讓師大畢業生也能到美國教中文。[ more ]
A memorandum of cooperation signed between NTNU and the San Diego Unified School District will bring eager students from California together with expert teachers from Taiwan for Chinese language studies. A ceremony to mark the signing was attended by NTNU's Vice President, Lin Tung-tai (林東泰), and San Diego Unified School Board Trustee Scott Barnett.[ more ]
公車上也能上課! 行動版開放學習課程不斷進步
NTNU introduces learning on-the-go with open mobile courses
臺師大開放式課程日前推出行動版介面,現在您不論是在公車上或捷運車廂裡,只要輕輕一滑,隨時隨地都能享受學習的樂趣。圖書館館長陳昭珍3月20日表示,開放式課程未來將以推出APP應用程式、雙向學習MOOCs磨課師為目標。[ more ]
Long bus rides or being out of town are no longer valid excuses to stop learning, now that NTNU's open courses are currently available for mobile devices. According to the Director of Library Services at NTNU, Chen Chao-chen (陳昭珍), a mobile web version is already up and running, and downloadable apps are coming in the near future. [ more ]
NTNU, University of Philippines researches cooperate on ethnomusicology
臺師大音樂學院於今年3月31日至4月8日,由院長錢善華率領本院研究生與助理前往菲律賓,與菲律賓大學民族音樂學研究中心(University of Philippines, Center of Ethnomusicology)團隊,重新造訪已故知名民族音樂學者Jose Maceda(1917-2004),於1960年走訪菲律賓Cordillera地區的原住民音樂採集路線,包括Sagada、Bontoc…等地,進行二度田野調查訪問。[ more ]
Students and teachers from NTNU's College of Music have worked with their counterparts at the University of the Philippines to follow in the footsteps of the late José Maceda, an acclaimed ethnomusicologist who did field work in the Cordillera area of the Philippines.[ more ]
師大排名亞洲68名 榮登亞洲百大
NTNU makes Asia
英國《泰晤士高等教育專刊》(Times Higher Education)4月11日公布亞洲大學排行,臺灣師範大學名列亞洲第68名,比較去年於英國高等教育調查公司QS公布的亞洲第87名,大有進步,全校師生對學校站穩亞洲百大深受鼓舞,代表多年努力受國際認同,師大將會繼續培育優秀學生,推動社會和經濟進步。[ more ]
National Taiwan Normal University ranks number 68 among Asian universities this year, making it one of a total 17 Taiwanese universities in the Asia's top 100, according to Times Higher Education (THE). THE released its first-ever Asia University Rankings on Wednesday.[ more ]
諾貝爾和平獎得主:因應氣候變遷 人類須減少碳排放
UN expert van Ypersele visits NTNU for climate change talk
你是否對2009年莫拉克颱風帶來的暴雨災害記憶猶新?許多極端氣候與氣象改變事件是否既熟悉又陌生?聯合國「氣候變遷政府間專家委員會」( IPCC ) 副主席Jean-Pascal van Ypersele教授,於4月9日下午在臺灣師範大學進行演講。本次演講由臺師大與美麗人生教育基金會合辦,臺師大副校長鄭志富致詞表示環境、氣候、生態是身為世界公民的每一個人,都應該關注的議題。臺師大環境教育研究所教授,也是環保署副署長葉欣誠,亦到場參與本次演講活動。[ more ]
“We need to make changes to offset the effects of climate change,” Vice-chairman Jean-Pascal van Ypersele of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a UN organization, told an attentive audience at NTNU on Tuesday.[ more ]