臺師大儲存雲     StarBox持續發燒

NTNU now offers users personal cloud storage service to perform file management and file sharing via PC, tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Teaching staffs are given up to 20GB of storage space and students are given up to 10GB of space. First time users have to log into their individual accounts at http://starbox.ntnu.edu.tw to activate the service. The cloud storage service will be combined with Moodle learning platform for teaching purposes starting from 2013. For more information, please refer to NTNU cloud storage website.

文獻探勘放眼國際   科學教育奪冠全球

According to a research done by the Aim for the Top Universities Plan in NTNU, Taiwan’s research papers have the highest citation rate among 216 education related international journals for the past 3 years. This research is done by utilizing the literature mining software developed by Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Research Fellow of ITC. Research analysis on two databases for literature citations has shown that Taiwan has the highest reference rate among all countries for papers in Education; NTNU has the most publications in the world for Science Education and NCU has the second most publications in the world for e-Learning .

崁入影片技術   活化個人網頁

Embedded software is no longer required to be coded to play videos in web pages. HTML5 now provides video tags to allow easy video playback for Web page design. Details of the introduction to HTML5 for video playback can be found in ITC Web pages.

KMPlayer播放軟體    駭客入侵危機

Information and Communication Security Technology Center has received intelligence that hackers are spreading malicious programs through KMPlayer’s update tool. When a message appears requesting for an update to KMPlayer version, it will guide the users to connect to a phishing website.

自然輸入法    出現安全漏洞

國家資通安全會報技術服務中心接獲外部情資,發現安裝於Windows 7 作業系統之自然輸入法存在高風險漏洞,請儘快更新至最新版,防範惡意人士入侵電腦竊取資料或植入惡意程式。<詳全文> Information and Communication Security Technology Center has received intelligence that security vulnerabilities exist in “自然輸入法” for Windows 7. Users are advised to update to latest version to prevent hackers from stealing personal information or installing malicious programs.

微軟授權軟體    光碟發放新師生

微軟大專校園授權軟體光碟,含有MS Windows 8中文升級版、 MS Office Pro Plus2013中文版及MS VisioPremium等軟體項目。請各系所新生及新進教師直接洽系辦領取。微軟校園授權軟體其他版本,請至資訊中心校園軟體服務網頁申請借用光碟或線上下載安裝使用。<詳全文>
Microsoft Campus Agreement disc consisting of Microsoft Windows 8 Upgrade Traditional Chinese, Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2013 Traditional Chinese, and MS Visio Premium is now available. Incoming students and new teaching staffs from all departments can apply to receive the disc from their respective department office. For other Microsoft software , please apply for loan from ITC campus software service website to receive the installation disc or download and install directly from the website.

伯樂大學堂    資訊便捷服務

A new activity is planned for 2013 student orientation to introduce incoming students to NTNU’s environment and available resources. In addition to that, a new registration system is developed to provide students with a convenient registration service. The registration service integrates all services from Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Student Affairs and Office of General Affairs. The service allows students to fill in questionnaires regarding their participation willingness, diet habits , and accommodation needs, and to print billing form. All offices will acquire information from the questionnaires and allow the orientation activity to be carried out smoothly.

資訊素養研習    新知新學習

2013 First Semester Information Application Training Course will commence at the end of September. The training courses will include Microsoft Access applications , PDF document processing , and Illustrator poster design . Please refer to the website for the latest training course information and register early.