在生活中檔案傳遞與分享的需求愈來愈頻繁,而用Email傳送受到容量限制,網路芳鄰或是MSN又擔心資訊安全的風險,若架設檔案傳輸伺服器(FTP Server)更是大費周章。本期新知專欄特提供師生同仁一個新的選擇- HFS(Http File Server),HFS 屬於自由軟體,免費且安裝操作簡易,乃邀請教學組林信雄系統工程員為大家介紹...<more>
With the ever increasing needs to share files among friends and colleagues, file sharing has become a way of life in the new cyber era. However, many people are troubled by finding an easy way to send files to people far away from themselves. Email attachments are usually not preferred because of the attachment size limitation, MSN or Network Neighborhood are also not preferred due to the insecure nature inherited with the programs. Making your own FTP sites is usually a hassle because of the technical knowledge required. Mr. Xinxiong Lin, a staff member of Information Technology Center, recommends HFS (Http File Server) as one of the best solutions to facilitate efficient sharing of files among friends and colleagues. HFS is free and easy to configure and operate.

很大!HP海報繪圖機開放服務!本部校區提供大圖海報機(HP智慧八色繪圖機)開放列印的服務,方便各單位及學生社團製作大型彩色海報,列印A1 Size紙張僅收取成本費150元,歡迎師生及同仁多加利用...<more>
ITC is now offering a poster printing service to university computer users! Users are able to print out posters of A1 Size in the ITC service center located at the main campus. This trial service will utilize a HP Design Jet Z2100 printer and will cost 150NT per print.

由軟體LINUX作業系統出借!提供Linux作業系統光碟借用服務,系統軟體光碟有Linux Debian 5.04 、Linux ubuntu 9.10 Desktop 、Linux ubuntu 9.10 Server、 Linux CentOS 5.4 、Linux Fedora 12.0等,欲借用者請先至資訊中心網站線上登記,俟接獲email通知,請於7天內前往各校區資訊中心服務窗口領取,歡迎本校師生同仁申請...<more>
Get your own copy of Linux Operating System! Students now no longer have to wait for the download to complete if they want to try out or install Linux operation systems. ITC begins to offer several Linux distributions (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions) for colleagues and students to borrow, including Debian 5.04, Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop/Server, CentOS 5.4, and Fedora 12.0.

版SPSS18.0統計軟體開放申請!原SPSS17.0使用期限至99年3月31日止,而新版SPSS18.0多國語言網路版適用於Windows、Linux、MAC等系統, 除Base授權100人線上同時使用,另Tables Model授權10人,Regression 與Advanced Model授權30人,歡迎師生至資訊中心網站校園軟體網頁申請借用...<more>
Please Upgrade your SPSS Installation to Version 18.0. University’s SPSS 17.0 License expired on Mar 31, 2010. Please remember to upgrade your SPSS installations to Version 18.0 for correct use. The new SPSS 18.0 is available in multiple languages, and works on Windows, Linux, and Mac Operating systems. The SPSS authorization of NTNU comprises 100 base licenses, 10 Table Models, 30 Regression Models and 30 Advance Models.

系統通知郵件,切勿上當!近來屢有不肖人士假冒本中心發送英文的系統維護更新通知郵件,主旨類似 "NTNU DataBase Account Alert!!",意圖騙取電郵帳號之密碼,請勿上當。本中心不會利用電郵通知請使用者提供帳號密碼,收到類似要求提供帳號密碼之通知,請務必小心求證...<more>
Be careful with the fake system notification messages! There has been an increase in the incident reports that individual ever received emails such as “NTNU Database Account Alert!!”, which request user to fill in and send back account information. ITC has never sent out emails requesting users to provide their account information. Please do not respond to any email that attempts to obtain your account information.

上網安全嗎?微軟公司3月份公告有駭客針對IE瀏覽器 (Internet Explorer)漏洞,進行遠端控制電腦及攻擊。目前正在調查IE6和IE7那裡出漏洞,請使用者定期更新系統或改用Firefox等瀏覽器,以策安全。新的IE8和舊的IE5版本則不受影響...<more>
Are you protected when surfing the Internet? Microsoft recently announced several security vulnerabilities on IE 6 and IE 7 browsers. These vulnerabilities will allow attackers to gain control of the targeted computers. Microsoft is currently investigating these vulnerabilities and we encourage the NTNU computer users to upgrade their browsers to IE8 or to use Firefox instead...<Reference Source>

腦資訊應用研習開講!將於四月下旬陸續開課,預計有Excel實用班、PowerPoint、以及Access 和 PhotoImpact等等軟體介紹及應用的精采內容,邀請業界教師授課,開課訊息於資訊中心網站最新消息公佈,屆時歡迎本校教師及行政同仁踴躍報名...<more>
The ITC application software courses are scheduled to be offered at the end of April this year, which include Excel, PowerPoint, Access, PhotoImpact, etc. The reader is referred to the homepage of ITC for more detailed information. We welcome NTNU colleagues and students to sign up for these courses. 

ITC awards Ho, Han-Kun, a 3rd year student from the Department of Mathematics as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Mr. Ho is recognized for his professionalism and eager to help others.